Croeso/Welcome to ‘Mab Gwent’ ...‘Son of Gwent’ ...‘Man of Gwent’. The kingdom of Gwent was home to the Silures, the Ancien Britons of south-east Wales, from whom I have taken my literary style Clive Williams 'y Silwrydd/the Silurist’. In medieval times the legendary Bowmen of Gwent were most prized for being highly skilled in the use of the longbow, and I have chosen to adopt their likeness for my logo. Throughout the ages Gwent has produced some truly memorable sons and daughters ...illustrious people of distinction and renown. Nature’s beauty abounds throughout the ancient kingdom ...for where else will you find a more idyllic scene than that of the River Usk and Pen y Fal viewed from Abergavenny. The Celts excelled in arts and crafts, and in literature; encompassing a range of styles and traditions, some themes being specific to individual nations ...treasures of antiquity. Mab Gwent is my treasured collection of literary works ...a bookcase for my own publications.
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